Tag Archives: mobile photo\

My Husband

This is my husband TekKonsult.

The husband

The “portrait” was done by our Bunso. She didn’t copy from a photo nor was she looking at her father when she did this. Photo was first posted here.

The husband and I love going to hardware stores. He would browse through the car accessories, Reid Supply corner and look at new tools. For me, I like going through the kitchen, garden and bathroom sections.

Watching 2012 Belgium GrandPrix

These are my men: the man of the house sitting on the left side of the photo (but unseen) and the little man (aka the son) sitting on the right side of the photo (unseen as well).

Watching Belgium Formula1

We scrimp on monthly cable television fees because the children can watch their favorite shows online, including Formula 1, among others. Cable TV is one of the things that one can’t find in our home.

Why do we do that? Scrimp on these things?

So that we have budget for other more essential things. We’d rather get those more expensive but more durable and lasting briefcases for men than get one that has inferior quality. Same goes with school bags, everyday shoes and clothes.