Tag Archives: Adarna Food and Culture

Adarna Food and Culture

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A few weeks ago, our family together with MIL and hubby’s youngest sis had lunch at the Adarna Food and Culture Restaurant along Kalayaan Road in Quezon City.

Adarna Food and Culture

MIL gushed here and there at the “old” things displayed thereabouts in the restaurant. A computer cabinet, though very important to the young people, would feel a bit out of place here, don’t you think?


MIL reminisced about the “old” times and at the same time getting some ideas on what to do with her “classic” plates.

It was the first time for my children to go there and they adored the display of “old” things.

Why do I write “old” things? Because for me, these are not really “old” things but things I grew up seeing in the province 😉