Tag Archives: Bohol EAT Danao zipline

Crossing the Zipline

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I know I’ve shared this E.A.T. Danao zipline photo here but I am going to share it again:


If the hubby and I (plus the kids too!) get another chance to visit this place, I would not hesitate to go ride the zipline again.

It was fun. Double the fun was hiking a few meters to get on another zipline to be able to go back.

Some of those riding this Danao Suislide wear flipflops and they have these tied with them, lol. I didn’t experience that because I was wearing rubber shoes when went to Danao (we traveled via the back roads btw). The hubby was wearing vasque mantra. It was not difficult for us to climb the next peak (it just rained before our zipline ride!) to be able to get on the cable that will take us back.

EAT Danao Suislide

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EAT (Extreme Adventure Tours) Danao suislide.

EAT Danao suislide

That’s the hubby on his way to the other side of the zip line. I took the photo because I was next in line. Between the two mountains is a river. Yes, you can look down if you want, but better be prepared to be surprised because your are high above the trees (several trees put one on top of another, to give you an idea) and might experience dizzy spells. 200 meters high, that’s what I read. Or was it 200m long? 😀

Not a good idea to feel bad if you are way up there with just a harness tied to a cable holding you up. Not a good idea if you are doing another extreme adventure: THE PLUNGE <- MUST.CLICK.THAT.LINK To go back to the other side means to go up a higher elevation before going down on another zip line. No, I don't think you can say "no" to that since that's the ONLY way you can go back to your friends who didn't do the zip line. I love, love, love the zip line and if given the chance, I would go back and do it again. And again.

Simple Machine: Pulley

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Would you dare and try this zipline where you will be hanging on wires and a pulley?


It will “just” cross a ravine to bring you to the other mountain. After that you need to hike up to a higher place to get zipped again and back to the other mountain on a spot near where you started.

Believe me, it IS fun. Wheeee!!!!