Category Archives: Celestial Sphere

Fleeting Moments

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Fleeting Moment

Photo first posted here.

This sunset that I was mesmerized with, I will never see again. All sunsets are unique, just like all people are. Taking time to stop and appreciate sunsets is one way we can connect ourselves with nature and how everything, however magnificent, can only be admired and experienced fleetingly. We may be in the here and now but when we are just memories that linger in the hearts and minds of the people who love us and whom we have touched in special ways, these sunsets will still be here being admired by the next generation after ours.
Savor special moments that may be gone right before our eyes. Soak in the colors and sounds of these fleeting moments but have these etch in our memories for when the ability to experience these are gone, there are pockets of memories that we can still hold on to and remember with fondness.

View From the Passenger Seat

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I am a “passenger seat drive-by photographer” when we go out of town. I think I have almost perfected the art of taking photos from a moving vehicle. Not that the photos are all good but there is always one or two or even more that turns out quite well.

These are the mountains one can see along the SCTEx or the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway, on the way to Subic from Clark.

Along SCTEx

Along SCTEx

Love, love the views around here.

Simple Joys

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Blog Photos

Let children enjoy simple joys like feeling the waves of the sea hit their feet, the warmth of the sun on their skin and the wind on their faces.

Let children be children and experience play without the gadgets and laughing just because they are having fun.

First posted here.

Solitary Time

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Sometimes you just want to getaway from the din and just be with yourself, hearing yourself think, listening to soothing music that relaxes and makes you forget the chaos you left behind for a while.


We understand how people put on their AKG studio headphones and seem to shut the world out by listening to their favorite music. I often do this too, when I take the public transportation because I want to shun the chatter and not listen to things I have no interest in.

If only I can do this with my family at any time there is a chance…


Christmas Breeze

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Mornings are cooler now. The nights are longer and the days are shorter.


I can just feel the “Christmas breeze” and the holiday cheer coming on and I feel excited. Excited for what? For Christmas season, that time of year when the weather is cooler and everywhere seems festive.

There is something I don;t particularly look forward to but I will just keep mum about it.

Anyway, I hope to get my Christmas shopping done early to avoid rushing to and fro. Online shopping (hello there, for department 56, I am looking at you and thinking about putting up a Christmas village!) is so easy to do and even if one can not possibly shop online, this is the next best thing to “canvassing” shops, looking for the appropriate, affordable and wonderful gifts for loved ones and friends.

For now though, I just want to feel the cool morning breeze and perhaps get my long-sleeved shorts out to wear 😀