Tag Archives: food

Jan9: Butter Cookies

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Jan 09: the youngest child felt a bit under the weather and so she stayed at home with me today. this was a slow day for which I am grateful that…

* my bunso is feeling better and will hopefully go back to school tomorrow

* I resisted the urge to finish deadlines set for me and instead concentrated on finishing tasks that should have been done long before these deadlines were given: 10+ pants, 20+ polo shirts, several gala (aka pleated) uniforms and lots of hankies ironed

* though the ironing chore was definitely a record of being a top contender for back breaking aches and pains as well as stiff shoulders, it gave me time to concentrate on this task while i was doing some deep thinking

* family dinners and before sleeptime massages for the little ones

Gratitude Journal 8/366

Boneless Crispy Pata

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Finio boneless crispy pata.

Finio Boneless Crispy Pata

Crispy pata (photos here)  is an entire pig leg boiled with water and spices. After the meat has been boiled and cooked, it is deep-fried. In the photo, the crispy pata is boneless, unlike the other preparations where even the knuckles are included in the frying.

Pork leg + deep frying = artery-clogging happiness.

‘Nuff said.

Finio is on Facebook.

November 25: Simple Thanksgiving Dinner

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We had Thanksgiving dinner, a very simple one, because I have not been too well to cook. Last year’s dinner was more elaborate but we are not complaining.

November 25: dinner

No steak nor fancy pasta. We just bought roasted chicken and I hurriedly made macaroni with cream and mushroom. Plates were clean so I guess they loved it and that what’s matter most to me more than the appetizing look or presentation.

Or maybe the kids and hubby were just hungry that time… LOL

There are so many things to be thankful for, not just for our family but for the blessings for others too.

September 18: Reunion with College Friends

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September 18: sisig

I missed my college friends definitely. And thanks to Facebook, we found each other again. Continue reading