Category Archives: Great Finds

Nurturing the Artistic Tendencies

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One of the ways parents can nurture the artistic tendencies of their children is not just to have them enrolled in art lessons. They have to be exposed to different kinds of visual arts techniques for them to find inspiration to be creative in their artistic pursuits.


Children are naturally inspired but parents have to create an atmosphere that will make them feel so to beable for them to nurture and grow their artistic tendencies.

One of our children has artistic and musical tendencies and we try to have a balance between the two, When this child is not honing artistic skills, she is playing with her guitar and learning new songs to play too. And yes, there is a request to have a newer and bigger one and so we look at products at musicans friend for ideas.

Nurture these gifts for the arts and music so that we have a more beautiful world to live in.

Looks like a Zombie Apocalypse Photo

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If your imagination runs wild like I do, I say the zombies are coming to eat our brains so run!!!

Instagram photos

As always, I rely on the camera to see things that  are far like this view. I am still on the lookout for glasses that will help me see past the top of my nose. Good thing, I don’t need glasses when I read and go online and can perfectly see what’s on the monitor.

During my free time at home, I like doing window shopping on the web.  One of my favorite sites is for ideas on how to improve our cluttered home. This feels like being at my favorite mall haunt: the hardware stores 😀


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Don’t you just love daisies? I know I do.

Daisies are said to be flowers for children because it symbolizes purity, simplicity and innocence. These are “simple” flowers but can be partnered with other flowers.


Photo first posted here.

Rotary Phone

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How long has it been since you saw one? Or better yet, how long has it been since you actually used one?

Back in the day, when our place started installing these rotary phones in a few homes, I wanted to have one but my mother insisted that we need not do so. Why? Because I can just talk to my classmates in school instead. There is also that part of the budget that will go to the monthly fee which may be used for another thing rather than paying for a phone bill.


Looking back makes me compare how difficult it was back then to get some of even the basic things we need unlike now that almost everything we need to know is just a click (or a tap of a finger) away. In that case, let me just look for godin xtsa from guitar center in the world wide web.